front cover jacket....
one thing you can be assured of when you are reading an Anupam Roy book is that it's not just a book, it's also an art in the visual form.....
'Shara raat kete jaaye tor kotha bhebe'....the entire night passes by thinking of you....
On my recent trip to Kolkata a couple weeks back, I was sitting at this really amazing old worldish 'small' chai shop sipping through a cup of brewed Makaibari tea. It was the perfect afternoon when Kolkata was just starting to turn from hot to a pleasant feeling, and I was already dreading the thought of returning to scorching Mumbai.
My chai finish, I went to the counter, looking at the many artefacts and tea pots, paying up my bill, when I saw a section of the area dedicated to bengali books. Yes I don't read bengali much, in fact I must admit with a not-so-proud feeling that I don't read bengali books - I can read it, but it takes me absolutely years to finish one page of bangla, and then it's just not worth it - loses all the charm. Books, however, fascinate me, whether I bring them home or not, and so it was that I looked around and thought I saw something that read 'Anupam Roy.'
It didn't click and I turned back to the counter and then....whoops....what????....wait.....what did I see????......and then turned back again to the book space......and looked closely....